Obstetrics & Gynecology

Complete spectrum of women-specific care and wellness, including the reproductive organs and pregnancy care



Specializes in the care of women during pregnancy and childbirth and in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the female reproductive organs.

Our doctors follow up on your pregnancy and reassure you of your fetus in all stages of its growth, so you are keen to check on its weight and the growth of its organs and make sure that there is no gestational diabetes or pressure using the latest ultrasound devices and the necessary analyzes

Obstetrics & Gynecology Doctors

Our doctors, physicians, specialists and support staff are caring, experienced and highly trained in their fields. They are committed to excellence – and more importantly, they are committed to you.

Health Tips & Info

Pregnancy, even a healthy one, can take a toll on your body and on your mind. Preparing for pregnancy and taking steps during pregnancy to help ease the journey can lead to a happy and healthy experience for both you and your partner.

Schedule an appointment with your doctor

Let your OB/GYN know that you will be trying to conceive so that your provider can look at risk factors with you. Some things that will most likely be discussed are menstrual history, genetic history, healthy diet, exercise, age, medication use, smoking, and obesity.


Exercise is very beneficial in pregnancy. It can help to regulate your blood sugar. You’ll want to avoid exercises that impact the abdominal wall and exercises that rely heavily on your center of balance. Walking, weight bearing exercise and pregnancy centered yoga are a great option.

Weight gain

For most women a healthy weight gain goal is between 25 – 35 pounds. You only need an extra 300 – 500 calories/day for the baby to thrive and to grow.

  • Limit caffeine
  • Drink at least 6 8 oz glasses of water daily

We Strive To Provide You & Your Family With The Best Medical And General Practice Care!

Medical Services

The medical team works with other departments and specialties to ensure that our patients receive the best care for their needs.

Emergency Cases

High Caliber Team of Emergency Doctors, On-call Physicians, and Nurses, always available to you 24 hours a day, seven days a week to treat anyone seeking urgent Medical Care.

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