Treating chronic obesity and providing weight-loss solutions

Bariatrics is the branch that deals with the causes, prevention, and treatment of obesity.
Our Surgeons in InterHealth Bariatric Center handles a range of Obesity Conditions through Surgical or Non-Invasive methods such as Medical Weight Loss Program, combined with Diet, Exercise and Behavioral Therapy and -if indicated- Pharmacotherapy to manage Obesity. Surgical Treatments are provided with Obesity related Health Conditions such as Type 2 diabetes, Obstructive Sleep Apnea, High Blood Pressure, Osteoarthritis & Other Obesity-related conditions.
Revisional Bariatric Surgery
- Treatment of the complications resulting from previous bariatric surgery, such as GERD, severe malnutrition, ulcers, and Gastric leaks.
- Correction of a failed previous bariatric surgery that was unable to reduce more than 50% of the excess weight in three years after surgery.
Bariatric Doctors
Our doctors, physicians, specialists and support staff are caring, experienced and highly trained in their fields. They are committed to excellence – and more importantly, they are committed to you.
Health Tips & Info
Preparing your diet before having bariatric surgery will minimize the risks of complications, maximize weight loss and help you break bad eating habits to optimize your chances of long-term success.
Choose nutrient-dense foods
Make sure you include fruits, vegetables and salads, as these contain fibre to help you feel fuller for longer, as well as nutrients vital for the healing process such as vitamin C.
Eat protein
Including protein with every meal not only slows down digestion but helps to preserve muscle during periods of rapid weight loss.
Include omega-3 fatty acids
This is important as omega-3 helps to reduce inflammation both pre- and post-operation, so eat small portions of oily fish and flaxseed.
Avoid nutrient-poor foods and drinks
Because your portion sizes will be small, make sure every bite counts and choose foods high in vitamins and minerals. Avoid processed foods and those high in sugar and fats, as well as sugary and fizzy drinks.
Medical Services
The medical team works with other departments and specialties to ensure that our patients receive the best care for their needs.
Sleep Medicine
Emergency Cases
High Caliber Team of Emergency Doctors, On-call Physicians, and Nurses, always available to you 24 hours a day, seven days a week to treat anyone seeking urgent Medical Care.